Rental Manager Paris 17th
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Junot Rental & Management
23 bis, avenue Junot - 75018 Paris 18e Discover the agencyAd reference : 943LOCBOK
Honoraires location résidence principale: rédaction bail 12€TTC/m², état des lieux 3€TTC/m². Honoraires bail code civil: 10%HT (12%TTC) du loyer annuel HC. Dépôt de garantie: 4 280 €
Rental Manager Paris 17th
Junot Rental & Management
23 bis, avenue Junot - 75018 Paris 18e Discover the agencyPrepare your file before your appointment. This will save you time. A complete file places you in priority compared to other tenants.
See the elements to provideJunot takes you on a tour of the neighborhoods in which our agencies welcome you, and presents the specific features and good addresses.
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